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Sambazon’s Sales Skyrocket After Enhancing Brand Awareness

The Results

+127% Increase in revenue 2019-2022

+2.8M Increase in revenue from test markets

+17%Increase in revenue 2022 fiscal year


With the ever-evolving market and neverending list of responsibilities, how can one’s business manage to stay ahead? This was a question that Sambazon, the leading Açai purveyor, had to answer. Lack of awareness for their brand was hindering overall growth for the company. Digital marketing plans needed to be rebuilt to help scale revenue in a lucrative way.


Power Digital maximized Sambazon’s brand reach and revenue by redefining the marketing mix. Here’s how:
– Introduced a paid campaign targeting impressions and frequency to enhance brand awareness
– Conducted a brand lift study and deployed match market testing to measure performance impact


With the strategic placement of a digital paid marketing campaign in the most effective markets, Power Digital transformed Sambazon’s brand and business. The results include an impressive $2.8 Million increase in revenue from test markets.

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