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Doubling Down on Exclusivity to Raise Brand Awareness and Revenue Simultaneously


The Results

+82.5%Revenue in Facebook since start of partnership

+62%Revenue year-over-year

+25%New customers year-over-year


Ready to take their content creation and marketing efforts to the next level, Aviator Nation teamed up with Power Fashion to devise and implement a digital ad strategy that would raise brand awareness and increase company revenue.


Leveraging their limited quantities and vintage California vibes, Power Fashion has been helping Aviator Nation double down on their exclusivity and make the most of their digital advertising.

Instead of a strong focus on the acquisition of new customers, Power Fashion identified a viable opportunity to capitalize on the behaviors and habits of the brand’s existing buyers. A renewed interest was sparked through the initiation of “flash sales” that made Aviator Nation’s apparel more accessible—and yet even more competitive to purchase due to increased consumer demand.

In anticipation of rapid depletion of their already limited stock, campaign narratives were purposely updated to avoid the isolation of any single style or product and instead, redesigned to convey the comprehensive experience that comes with wearing Aviator Nation clothing. This presented customers with an entire catalog of product options, resulting in reduced purchase delays and increased conversion rates across the board. For popular items that sold fast and were non-negotiable for brand loyalists, restock messaging was used to keep them in the loop and eager to buy.


Through a strategic approach grounded in industry-led expertise, Power Fashion was able to circumvent the guesswork and launch effective digital campaigns that have since increased brand awareness, quadrupled company revenue, and activated the untapped potential of Aviator Nation’s existing customer base.

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