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Eliminate wasteful ad spend and maximize your company’s ROI with integrated PPC services.

We build PPC campaigns built for sustainable growth.

Strategic PPC management services

Pulling from over a decade of PPC advertising experience across 300+ clients in various industries, Power Digital’s PPC services develop strategies that meet your customers wherever they are in their journey, serving them ads they want to see.

When pay per click advertising starts working its magic on prospects, your business should: 

When your PPC advertisements show up for the right people at the right time, you will:

Drive More Potential Customers To Your Website

Reduce CPC And Ad Spend

Continuously Grow Revenue

Reduce customer acquisition cost

What people are saying
How Power Digital’s PPC services helped Pura Vida scale spend and ROAS with thoughtful optimization of paid ads
The hand-crafted jewelry brand came to Power Digital ready to optimize their paid media approach and drive incremental revenue. Power Digital’s PPC management services for Pura Vida included dialing in branded search for greater returns at a lower ad spend and focusing on non-branded keywords to drive new customer acquisition and revenue.
What people are saying

Here's what happened when we partnered with soccerloco:


revenue quarter-over-quarter


revenue and


ROAS from paid media channels over Black Friday/Cyber Monday

Messaging for every audience at every stage of the customer journey.

Everything you need for a successful PPC marketing strategy-under one roof

  1. Paid Search (Google Ads)

    Stay above the competition for high-volume search terms with search ads.

  2. Standard shopping (Google Shopping)

    Get the right products sponsored on the right platforms.

  3. Performance Max Ads

    Reach customers across multiple platforms tapping into machine learning.

  4. Local Service Ads

    Maximize efficiency by connecting with hyper local audiences searching for solutions you offer.

  5. Bing Ads

    Discover higher engagement with bing ads diversification.

  6. YouTube advertising

    Leverage YouTube’s 5 million daily views with strategic ad placements.

  7. Display ads

    Increase brand awareness without stretching your ad budget.

  8. Remarketing strategy

    Keep potential customers interested with a one-two punch that makes your brand hard to forget.

  9. Programmatic advertising

    Get to-the-minute, targeted control over your ad placements in real-time.

  10. Amazon advertising

    Meet the customer where they are with Amazon marketing services.

What people are saying
"They speak Google as my General Manager likes to say. Our success in organic and paid search this past year is undoubted."
Aviation Academy
What people are saying

Focus on new business and sales, instead of the confusion and jargon of PPC.

Starting at square one with trial-and-error campaigns only wastes time and ad spend.

We bring you to the forefront of exciting new PPC management technologies and platforms such as programmatic advertising and connected TV while your competitors are only scratching the surface.

"The addition of the Power Digital has had a marked impact on our online presence and the strategies we use to reach our guests. Their team has truly become an extension of our own and we’re able to work hand-in-hand to achieve our marketing objectives."
CMO, Jenny Craig
What people are saying

PPC strategy with a CRO mindset.

Clicks don’t always equal conversions. That’s why we strive to improve your landing pages, the sales process, and conversion success with every campaign.  

We constantly search for gaps in the strategy and seek out new opportunities to ensure you’re getting the most profound ROI impact from your PPC ad campaigns.

"One of the great things in working with Power is that you're our trusted partner in all of this. You guys have always been really innovative. You push for innovative thinking and strategic thinking."
Remodel Works
What people are saying

Constantly shifting strategies for fickle markets.

What works now might not work forever. Going stagnant leads to outdated campaigns that drain ad spend and kill revenue. 

As audience behavior shifts, we adapt. With consistent testing and adjusting of ads and strategies, your marketing stays fresh and effective.

"Power Digital is always looking for ways to help us improve our digital efforts and ensure our satisfaction. I consider Power Digital an extension of my marketing team and a trusted strategic advisor."
Director of Marketing and Communications, NewSchool of Architecture
What people are saying

PPC management powered by AI technology.

We use our machine learning AI technology, nova, to analyze your business, build your strategy, and track your progress. 

It’s the only technology of its kind, giving you an advantage over the competition.

Here's our process for driving more website visitors without increasing ad costs:


Before a contract is ever signed, we dig into your business with a detailed appraisal. You get an in-depth report on what’s working, what’s not and what opportunities we’ve found for serious, profitable growth.


Once a baseline of your current marketing efforts is developed, we draw up the best marketing mix for reaching your business goals. Then, campaigns for each channel are mapped out, maintaining a holistic view of your overall PPC marketing strategy.


Your campaigns are launched and results are continuously measured through continuous iterations as we test and tweak.

Results, Rinse, Repeat

Enjoy a greater influx of revenue while we keep doing our job. As feedback informs shifts in ad placement, copy, and targeting, you’ll see a gradual increase and refinement in your results.

Join the ranks of clients like:

Why Power Digital?

By partnering with us, you get:
  1. Paid media powered by our proprietary technology, nova, to build informed and scalable PPC strategies backed by data.

  2. A focus on new business and sales, instead of the confusion and jargon of the PPC world.

  3. Expertise in new technologies and platforms like programmatic advertising and connected TV, while your contemporaries are merely scratching the surface.

  4. Commitment to strategic optimization with a CRO mindset through our skilled digital leaders.

  5. Nimble pivots as target audience behavior shifts so your marketing always stays fresh and effective.

Frequently Asked Questions about PPC

What is a PPC Audit?

The Power Digital PPC audit is a crucial step in our methodology. Our team of PPC experts will perform a comprehensive review of all your previous digital marketing campaigns and metrics to gain a deeper understanding of your current PPC strategy.  Specific elements of evaluation include wasted spend, missed opportunities, keyword analysis, account structure, ad copy, and match types. We will then use these findings to develop a robust strategic plan that will help increase the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns and grow your business.

What platforms do you run PPC ads on?

Our team is equipped and experienced to run PPC advertising on all the major platforms including Google, Bing, and the Google Display Network. By working with these three platforms, your paid ads will be eligible for a variety of placements. In addition, our team of PPC experts will have a wide range of targeting tools available to them. As a result, we will be able to reach your customers, no matter where they are.

What is paid search advertising?

Paid search advertising is a method by which you pay for your website to appear in the advertising sections of relevant search engine results pages. Typically, this section is at the top of the results page so users’ eyes land on your site first. The higher your bid is, combined with how relevant the ad is to searchers for that term, results in an increased likelihood it will appear in search results.

What are Google shopping campaigns?

Google Shopping campaigns consist of shopping ads. These Google ads include rich product information such as a product image, its price, and your merchant name. It also includes data attributes from the product information you submit in your Merchant Center data feed. By utilizing these Google ads and all their information, you are able to rank higher for certain search terms within the Google Shopping Network. A campaign allows you to further those results by selecting specific products to bid on for higher results.

What is remarketing?

Remarketing, and its associated campaigns, is a technique aimed at drawing visitors to your site back in and encouraging them to convert. This is done by showing ads to those individuals who have previously engaged with your site or app. Setting up such a marketing campaign provides you with additional settings and reports designed specifically to reach previous visitors and users. Typically, the ads are customizable and dynamic so you can feature the specific product or service each user was viewing when they abandoned your site.

What is programmatic advertising?

Simply put, programmatic advertising is automated buying or selling of online advertising placements. By setting up such marketing automation, transactions become more efficient and effective because they utilize data in order to make those decisions. By streamlining the process and consolidating your digital efforts, programmatic advertising allows you to put all your efforts into one platform and let it do most of the work. But you can’t just set it and forget it, which is where the Power Digital team can help monitor results and make adjustments as needed .

What is display advertising?

Display advertising, or ads, sometimes referred to as banner ads, are a form of PPC that in reality come in a variety of sizes, not just banners. These ads appear on other websites relevant to your product or service. This is in contrast to search ads which appear on search engine results pages. On Google, display ads appear on sites within the Google Display Network. Such sites can include blogs, news sites, Gmail, YouTube, and more.

How much does PPC cost?

At Power Digital, our strategies are customized based on the individual business and its unique needs and goals, as well as the competition in your industry. So we can’t give you a specific number without first reviewing your current PPC strategy. Use one of the forms above or below to request a FREE PPC audit and we will review your current set up. From there, we can provide an estimated cost and plan for any changes that need to be made.