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Taking Over the SERPs in a Competitive Landscape for PlushCare

PlushCare is a Telehealth company that has broken onto the healthcare scene with their vast network of doctors to provide online doctor appointments and scheduling of lab test orders for the general public regardless if they are insured or not.

The Results

5K%Increase in Keywords Ranking in Positions 1-3

862%Increase in Organic Sessions

34%Increase in Indexed Pages

32%Return on Investment


Initially, PlushCare came to Power Digital Marketing dead-set on ranking for locally appended urgent care keywords to become a viable resource for individuals looking for an urgent care location near them. After diving into the PlushCare website at onset of the marketing campaign, Power Digital Marketing was able to pinpoint opportunity for the brand specifically around certain ailments and their treatment or diagnosis.

As we saw in our early efforts to rank for geo-appended urgent care keywords, ranking for short and long-tail keywords related to medical ailments is extremely competitive. In order to improve Organic Traffic back to, Power Digital Marketing knew that competing with the likes of WebMD and The Mayo Clinic would be a major hurdle to overcome.


This SEO strategy found success by gaining a stark understanding of the business model for PlushCare and what the competitive landscape is like in this industry. Through pinpointing competitive gaps in content that align with the PlushCare product offering, Power Digital Marketing was able to help the PlushCare blog break through to new, never achieved heights when it came to Organic Search.

When beginning this campaign in October 2016, the original strategy scope intent was to improve rankings to the Urgent Care resource pages for all of the top cities that are listed on After further analysis of the landscape in this industry, the Power Digital Marketing team decided to focus efforts around the ailments that PlushCare can provide service for.

Although this may seem counter-intuitive since the competition in the medical industry is very high, both teams had high confidence that the organic channel could grow through blog articles addressing highly-searched and relevant questions related to the various ailments.

Power Digital deployed what has been coined as a “content cluster strategy” in which a web of internal links is distributed amongst related blog articles as well as linking to the specific treatment marketing page to convert readers into patients. The blog articles were written from a stringent SEO-first perspective and optimized to ensure our written copy dives deep enough into each topic.

Throughout the campaign, Power Digital Marketing also deployed a link earning campaign to promote and earn backlinks to our blog articles and relevant marketing pages. There was an even focus between on-page and off-page elements throughout the entirety of this campaign, which played a huge role in the overall Organic success.


During a nine month campaign, Organic Sessions, Organic New Users, keyword rankings, and Organic Conversions for Lab Orders and Appointments Booked skyrocketed! gained 45,400 additional keywords with a 5,214% increase in keywords ranking in positions 1-3!

As expected, keyword rankings drive organic traffic and, with more qualified traffic coming to the site, Organic Sessions increased 862% and total number of pages indexed increased by 34%. Worth noting, that this campaign also provided an ROI of 32%, which was not a primary goal of this campaign.

A considerably large campaign win was outranking WebMD and The Mayo Clinic for some of the most competitive target keywords on the web in a space where both of those websites have been viewed as industry thought leaders for over a decade now.

Top Campaign Wins

Outranking WebMD and The Mayo Clinic for extremely competitive and highly searched terms. Some specific keyword wins, with their ranking position and monthly search volume (MSV) are listed below:

Gonorrhea and Chlamydia (1) – 2,400 MSV
Online Prescriptions (2) – 2,900 MSV
Strep Throat Symptoms in Adults (2) – 8,100 MSV
Is a Sinus Infection Contagious (3) – 8,100 MSV
Are Sinus Infections Contagious (4) – 18,100 MSV
Online Doctor (4) – 6,600 MSV
Antibiotics for Strep Throat (5) – 8,100 MSV
Strep Throat Symptoms (6) – 110,000 MSV
Symptoms of Strep Throat (7) – 49,500 MSV
STD Symptoms in Women (8) – 8,100 MSV
Oral Gonorrhea (8) – 4,400 MSV
Bronchitis vs Pneumonia (8) – 4,400 MSV
Sinus Infection Treatment (10) – 12,100 MSV

Other key wins:
5,214% increase in keywords ranking in positions 1-3
862% Organic Traffic Growth
511% increase in overall keyword rankings
Secondary goal of 32% ROI for the Organic Campaign

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