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Expanding the Reach and Online Presence for Genesis Mining

Genesis Mining provides the computing power to mine bitcoins and altcoins for everyday users. Without using a service such as Genesis Mining, bitcoin mining is highly cost-prohibitive.

The Results

197.8%Increase in Conversion Rate

800New Keywords

527%Increase in Organic Traffic


Genesis Mining came to Power Digital with a number of goals for this campaign, with the most important being to drive leads. Creating a sound technical structure for the website was the the starting point, as every value driving SEO strategy needs a strong foundation. Gaining market share for target keywords by surpassing competitors, positively affecting online reputation, and increasing new users and conversions would be the long term goals. As the industry’s largest bitcoin miner with a global reach, the client was lacking a seamless website experience across multiple languages. Furthermore, without an SEO strategy, they were losing market share in a highly competitive and market that was beginning to explode.

Genesis Mining is a hybrid website which generates leads, new users, and provides a service, bitcoin mining. As their Development team was focused keeping the service side of the website up and running, Power Digital’s SEO strategy needed to be hyper targeted on keywords that would drive the most traffic to bring in new qualified users and drive conversions.

Prior to partnering with Power Digital, the website lacked an indexing strategy and website content. In the rapidly growing and competitive bitcoin industry, the lack of website content was allowing smaller companies to gain rankings for target keywords. Furthermore, the client was losing market share internationally due to a missing international SEO strategy causing extremely high bounce rates as the languages were incorrect and site couldn’t translate correctly.


Before Power Digital could hit the gas on keyword rankings, we needed to unravel the translation issues. Our technical SEO team built and executed an International SEO strategy which translated the website based on country codes and allowed the site to be indexed by Google in each of the languages.

Once our International SEO strategy was established, we moved into building a comprehensive indexing strategy which included on and off-page initiatives including keyword mapping and metadata optimizations to target high volume, relevant keywords to the core pages. We supported target keywords though content optimization and expanded our keyword set and client’s reach by creating strong evergreen content. All of these efforts were supported by a keyword specific internal linking strategy.

Combined with the on-page initiatives, we worked to improve the off-page elements starting with a backlink analysis and clean up. During the link detox, over 700,000 backlinks were analyzed and in efforts to mitigate harmful and spammy backlinks. In addition, we conducted digital PR to secure, high quality, relevant links. By simultaneously removing toxic links and acquiring ones, we saw an increase in keyword rankings.

Another key initiative was helping the client more accurately track conversions. Online account signups were the top KPI, however the client was not tracking the full conversion process. February was the first full month of accurate conversion tracking with 2,200 account signups. Four months later, monthly conversions were up 1,922.6% (45,044 account signups)! And, the conversion rate improved 197.8% from 1.21% to 3.6%.


Within six months

and just 24 pages indexed, Genesis Mining gained over 800 keywords with more keywords on page one and in the top three positions. Compared to January 2017, Organic traffic grew 527%. Furthermore, the website now now receives 1.2 million Organic visits per month and 482,000 are new users!

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