Talk with your data and accelerate growth. nova Insights AI -

Join the Waitlist

First we’ll earn your trust. Then we’ll earn your ROI.

Finally get clarity on what’s not working and why.

Sell without discounting, reverse negative trends, and explore new channels. Your proposal is the custom, data-backed gateway to the growth you’ve dreamed of.

Every proposal gets the best:

High-level funnel analysis

Detailed recommendations by channel

Step-by-step strategy based on your data

Quick wins for easy implementation

By this time next week you could have:

Full understanding of every marketing gap and opportunity.

A step-by-step plan for reaching your revenue goals.

A dedicated team of specialists ready to execute on strategy.

Here’s the proof

Growth technology roots your strategy in data, not guesswork.

Our process gets results like:


YoY email marketing revenue increase for Canna-Pet


Increase in organic visitors for Shipware


Jump in page one rankings for TomboyX


YoY Amazon revenue increase for Shady Rays

We use machine learning to calculate your most profitable strategies. It’s all done through our proprietary platform, nova; the first technology of its kind.

All you need to bring is your data and your business goals.

We’ll spin it into an in-depth report that shows you:
  1. A high-level and holistic perspective of your entire marketing funnel.

  2. Each channel’s viability for growth and improvement.

  3. Step-by-step long-term strategy that integrates across channels.

  4. Quick wins and fixes for SEO, CRO, Amazon listings, PPC, and more.

What you get

Fully customized. Empowering. Brilliant.

Your proposal will look something like this:

Up to 50 data points analyzed

Your proposal is custom to your business’s data, goals, and current strategy. Where there’s opportunity, we’ll get into the gritty details. Where you’re already killing it, we’ll give you a high five and move on.

What people are saying
Tim Trzepacz, Director of Commercial Operations, Victrola
“The results have been incredible. With Power Digital, it feels like they’re in our trench, supporting and understanding us. They’re like a partner and mentor in helping us get where we want to be.”
Tim Trzepacz, Director of Commercial Operations, Victrola
What people are saying

Want to grow your e-commerce footprint, but need a proactive partner to guide you?

Let Power Digital create the tailored, integrated strategy that drives reach and revenue for your unique brand.

CMO, Jenny Craig
"First and foremost, they focus on your ROI. Rare is the agency that when you ask them to give you an estimate of the impact of their SEO efforts, will actually give you a percentage increase forecast and then proceed to exceed it.”
CMO, Jenny Craig
What people are saying

Keep up with the new demand.

Every cog in your marketing machine is turning towards the same goal: move more products.  Whether it means later nights or out-of-scope adjustments, we don't pop the champagne until you see profound revenue impact. We get it done, without being asked.

Kristina Quinn, Vice President of Marketing
“PDM has been the center of our digital transformation. We went from a start-up to a global solution, and they played an integral role in all aspects of that growth. They support us in digital marketing, SEO, content strategy, Social Media, marketing operations, UX/UI, CRO, and web development. With the support of their forward-thinking sound strategies and in-house experts, we have grown all KPIs by double and triple digits.”
Kristina Quinn, Vice President of Marketing
What people are saying

Skip the trial and error. Grow bigger, faster.

Your team members are hand picked for B2B experience in your industry - their strategies are never a guess.

Our process isn’t for everyone. We’re selective with who we partner with in order to stay focused, efficient, and effective.

You may not be a fit if you:
  • Aren’t open to fresh ideas and creative risks

  • Are a startup trying to get your feet on the ground

  • Have a marketing budget under $5k/month

You’re our ideal client if you:
  • Want to test and implement new strategies

  • Have proven product-market fit in a growing industry

  • Have a healthy marketing budget and are hungry for ROI

Join the ranks of clients like: