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PR Coffee Chat: Tips & Tricks for PR Research

April 27, 2017
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At Power Digital, we understand the importance of doing research to ensure the most successful campaigns for our clients. Research allows us to specifically target the best platform and audience for our outreach.

Learning more information about clients’ brands allows us to strategically extend our knowledge and experience.

Here are a few helpful tips we use to get started on PR research:

Competitor Placement Analysis — We usually look at 3-4 direct and non-direct competitors to identify the placements that are successful for them. Moz is a great tool we always find ourselves using to extract backlink profiles so we can learn what topics found major traction and which editors are covering them. By analyzing competitor placements, we find new branding opportunities for our clients!


BuzzSumo — This tool is great to gain insight into what articles and trends are going viral among consumers and influencers. Editors are always excited about the virality of topics because it means increased interest in their articles. BuzzSumo allows us to do preliminary research on which topics to pitch using solid numbers of “sharability” to editors.

Stalking the editor — It’s useful to do research on an editor before you start pitching. We look at which beats and topics they discuss to see if our pitch fits into their image. By digging into their social media accounts, we can see who their target audience is and how they are engaging with the public.

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