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PR Coffee Chat: Working in a Small Team

June 8, 2017
Table of Contents

At Power Digital, we are fortunate to think of our fellow peers as part of a “work family.” Our PR group is a tight-knit group of girls constantly working and collaborating together to meet goals and keep clients happy.


Communication Is Key

Like any well-oiled machine, efficient and consistent communication with one another is crucial. For the PR crew at Power Digital, we make it a priority to get to know the in’s and out’s of each other’s working styles, so we’re able to cooperate as a team.

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Holding Each Other Accountable

Not being afraid to ask the tough questions is what makes a strong team. Holding each team member accountable for their own objectives allows a mutual understanding and knowledge of what everyone is responsible for. Every Monday, our team sets goals to accomplish for the week and shares them with the rest of the group. This allows us to know what needs to get done and keeps everyone on track.

Doing “Temperature Checks”

Along with holding each other accountable, it’s also important to check on how everyone on the team is doing. We all have our own individual tasks to accomplish, but the beauty of being a part of a team is having the ability to ask and offer help. Check in on how your team’s doing so you can high-five goals being crushed and offer a lending hand for those that need it.

When working in a small group, it’s important to communicate and support one another. By doing so, we are able to see success for our clients and grow as marketing professionals.

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